Datacenter User Guide

Version 2.2 | Published May 16, 2024 ©

Accessing Datacenter

The Datacenter runs automatically as a service on the host machine. It automatically starts on Windows startup, and its status can be monitored in Task Manager > Services > VizrtDataCenter.

While the service is always running in the background, the main user interface can be opened by navigating, using a browser on the same machine hosting the service, to one of the following addresses:

If Datacenter is correctly configured to run an HTTPS backend that listens to all network interfaces, then the user interface is also reachable from:

  • https://<host-machine-ip>:5701, where <host-machine-ip> is the public facing IP of the host machine. This mode allows you to reach and monitor Datacenter from all of the machines in the same network.

Info: The Admin page is only accessible when the Datacenter user interface is reached using the localhost address option.