Datacenter User Guide

Version 2.2 | Published May 16, 2024 ©

Inspecting Dataset Entries

The Dataset Output Panel

The Dataset Output panel shows the received data for the selected dataset.


Inspecting Dataset Entries

To inspect a dataset entry, hover over the entry on the right-most part of the corresponding row. On the menu revealed, press the Show full value option:


A dialog is shown with the full entry.


This feature is particularly useful for data entries that have long strings/JSON payloads as value.

Copy Entries Key/Value

To copy a dataset entry's value, hover over the entry on the right-most part of the corresponding row. On the menu revealed, press the Copy Value option:


To copy a dataset entry's key, hover over its key and click on the copy icon that is revealed.


After performing one of the copy actions, the copied value is available in the clipboard.

Working with Live Data: Pause UI Updates

For real time data, inspecting or copying the incoming stream may be challenging, as the data at hand may be changing too fast. Therefore, the view of the data can be temporary paused by clicking on the lock icon on the top of the data entries:


A yellow message informs that the data is not being updated for this dataset, while the entries are greyed out.


All supported interactions with the data (copying or inspecting an entry) are still available while in pause mode.

Pausing a Dataset: While in pause mode, the incoming entries are still forwarded to all the configured outputs. Any assigned script to the dataset is also applied.