

DataActionTable allows defining a table of actions (as previously explained in the DataAction plugin section). Each of these actions is identified by a value of the FieldName variable. When DataActionTable receives data (A value of the FieldName variable) it compares the data to each of the values. If the data matches one of the values the plugin invokes the corresponding action.

Unique Parameters
  • Numeric Values Only: When set ON, this parameter will enforce the plugin to use only numeric values received as the Field Name value, and use only numeric values in the Value<i> parameters.

  • Value<i>: Specify the value of the FieldName variable that will invoke the Action specified in Action<i>.

  • Action<i>: This is the action to be called in the case the data matches Value<i>.

  • Default Action: this action will be invoked if the data doesn’t match any of the specified values.