

DataClick is an interactive container plugin which triggers an action when the mouse is clicked within the drawn area of the container it is assigned to or on any of its child containers.

Unique Parameters
  • Settings: Defines the displayed editor type. When set to Advanced, every click will trigger two events: mouse down (mouse button pressed) and mouse up (mouse button released). When set to simple only mouse click is used.

  • On Click: A DataPool action that will be triggered when the mouse is clicked within the container’s drawn area and any of its child containers.

  • On Click Child: A DataPool action that will be triggered when the mouse is clicked within the drawn area of a child container under the container affected by the DataClick plugin.

  • On Mouse Down: A DataPool action that will be triggered when the mouse button is pressed within the container’s drawn area and any of its child containers.

  • On Mouse Down Child: A DataPool action that will be triggered when the mouse button is pressed within the drawn area of a child container under the container affected by the DataClick plugin.

  • On Mouse Up: A DataPool action that will be triggered when the mouse button is released within the container’s drawn area and any of its child containers.

  • On Mouse Down Child: A DataPool action that will be triggered when the mouse button is released within the drawn area of a child container under the container affected by the DataClick plugin.

  • On Enter: A DataPool action that will be triggered when the mouse enters the container’s drawn area and any of its child containers.

  • On Enter Child: A DataPool action that will be triggered when the mouse enters the drawn area of a child container under the container affected by the DataClick plugin.

  • On Leave: A DataPool action that will be triggered when the mouse leaves the container’s drawn area.

  • On Leave Child: A DataPool action that will be triggered when the mouse leaves the drawn area of a child container under the container affected by the DataClick plugin.

  • Behavior: Defines in what way the mouse events will trigger the actions or cause the DataField to change. When set to "On Click", only the on click events will be enabled. When set to "On Click and Move" additional action (On Enter and On Leave) fields will be enabled.