
DataCountdown is used to count down or count up to a defined target time.
Target time is an absolute time (future or past).

Unique Parameters
DP variables Prefix: Variable prefix is added to a set of fixed names, based on time scale, for different time variables. The prefix is used to distinguish one set of time parameters from the other. The default prefix is CD1.
For example, if Prefix is set to DDay, the corresponding variables will be:
DDay_DAYS DDay_HOURS DDay_HOURS_TOTAL DDay_MINS DDay_MINS_TOTAL DDay_SECS DDay_SECS_TOTAL DDay_SIGN (i.e + for future and: for past)
Target Day in month: Defines the countdown target day. Values are 1-31.
Target Month: Defines the countdown target month. Values are 1-12.
Target Year: Defines the countdown target year. Values are 1970-2050.
Target Hour: Defines the countdown target hour. Values are 0-23.
Target Minute: Defines the countdown target year. Values are 0-59.
Target Second: Defines the countdown target year. Values are 0-59.
Leading Zero All: When set ON, a leading zero will be added to all the single digit numbers (0-9).
Leading Zero Minutes, Seconds: When set ON, a leading zero will be added to the single digit numbers (0-9) of the minutes values and the seconds values only. Others will be displayed as a single digit.
Action On Time: Defines an action that will be executed when the counter reaches the target time. If the action string begins with "0 .." then the command is handled as a Viz command, otherwise it’s considered to be a DataPool command. The action can contain more than one command to be called. The commands must be separated by semicolons (";"). Expressions can be used in the action: utilizing the special DataPool variables.
Action On T-offset: Defines the action that will be executed when the counter reaches an offset point from the target time.
Offset (Seconds): Defines the offset from the target time that will trigger the Action on t-offset (in seconds).
Set Target to NOW: When pressed, the current system time will be set as the target time.