

DataMath plugin performs mathematical calculations with DataPool variables and writes the result to a specified DataField

Unique Parameters
  • Argument 1 and Argument 2: Define the arguments used for the mathematical operation. Argument 1 will be used at the left hand side of the operator. Both arguments must be DataPool variables (DataFields) or constants.

    If the operation is unitary, only Argument 1 is used.

    Note: Both arguments (DataFields) will trigger the DataMath plugin and the result will be calculated.

  • Result: Define the DataField that will contain the result of the operation.

  • Operation: Defines the operator that will be used for the calculation.

    • + - * : Sum/subtract/multiply the arguments

    • / : Division of Argument1 by Argument2

    • Div : Integral part of the division of Argument1 by Argument2

    • Mod : The remainder of the division of Argument1 by Argument2

    • ^ : Raises Argument1 to the power of Argument2

    • AND : Logical AND of the arguments: if both are different than 0 the result will be 1

    • OR : Logical OR of the arguments: if both are zero the result will be zero

    • Cos / Sin: Cosines/sinus of Argument1

    • Rnd : Random value between the two values

    • Time ++/-- : increase/decrease argument1 by 1

    • Min/Max : performs a numeric comparison of the arguments and returns the lower/higher value

    • Avrg : calculate the average of the arguments