

DataParameter plugin controls other plugins (geometry or function plugins) parameter values.

Unique Parameters
  • Parameter Type: defines the controlled plugin type. The options are GEOMETRY, FUNCTION or SCENE. If Function or Scene is selected, the Function Name parameter will be enabled

  • Function Name: The name of the function (or scene) plugin that the DataParameter plugin will control.

  • Parameter Name: Defines the parameter that will be controlled. The parameter name must be identical to the name used by Viz (case sensitive). To find the exact parameter name use the show command option and change the parameter from the UI. The name of the parameter will be printed by Viz in the commands console.


Suppose a group with 3 children, each child is a cube. Suppose we want to change the height parameter of each cube according to a certain value received from the field VALUES[3]. Field Name = VALUES[3] Parameter Type = GEOMETRY (cube is a geometry plugin) Function Name = Cube Parameter Name=size_Y (name of the parameter in the cube plugin that changes the height of the cube) If the data is VALUES[0-2]=1, 2, 3; the cubes heights will become 1, 2 and 3 respectively.