

DataSelector receives a number of a child container as data. The plugin turns off (switch visibility off) all the child containers of the controlled container and activates only the n-th child container, as received in the data.

Unique Parameters
  • First Container Is: Select 0 or 1 as the first container index. Incoming data will be applied accordingly.

  • Value ReScaling: When set on, "First Container is" parameter will be disabled and additional parameters will be enabled, allowing rescaling of incoming data to the defined values. All incoming data exceeding the Data Min or Data Max will be cropped.

  • Switch all on until value: When set On, all child containers will be switched on (visibility on) until the first value is accepted in the DataField. After the first value was set the DataSelector will only switch one child container at a time. When set Off, child containers will keep their current status until the first value is accepted in the DataField.

  • Enable Dissolve: use a fade transition between the current container and the next container.


Field Name=VALUE If the data entered is VALUE=3 then all the container’s children will be invisible out of the fourth (0-3) child.