

DataViz3Script plugin will invoke a predefined Viz 3 scripting subroutine or function, with the updated value of its defined data field (DP variable) or with a DP expression as an argument. In the case of a function, the returned value of the function can be assigned to a DP variable.

Note: This plugin exists for Viz 3 only

Unique Parameters
  • Script Type: Defines the location of the script, containing the requested function/procedure. Select Container to use a function in a container script or Scene to use a function in the scene setting script module.

  • Function Name: Set the name of the function/procedure to be called when the data field changes.

  • Transferred Argument: Select the argument that will be sent to the function/procedure. Select Variable Value to set the data field value to the memory key. Select Variable Value to use the data field value as the function argument. Select DP Expression to send a DataPool expression to the function/Procedure. When DP Expression is selected, an additional parameter will be enabled: Expression String. Define the DataPool expression that will result in a string. The resulting string will be sent as an argument (or arguments) to the function/procedure.

  • Use Return Value: This parameter defines if the returned value from the defined function will be re-used by the plugin. When set OFF, no return value will be used. When set ON, additional parameters will be enabled:

    • Output Field: set the data field name that the returned value will be assigned to.

    • Output Scope: defines the output field scope: local or global.

    The value returned from the function will be assigned to the defined output field.