DP Configuration Files

DataPool data fields and objects are used across scenes and engine machines to support Viz scenes and data distribution. The DataPool configuration files, used to define DataPool structures and DataPool variables, use the suffix ".dp". All files with .dp suffix are loaded during Viz load and the data fields and structures are defined in the DataPool memory. The configuration files can be copied to all relevant Viz machines or saved in a common folder and defined in the DataPool.ini file.

When installing DataPool, the file datapool.dp is installed to the Viz folder. This file is an example and the users can modify the file to define data fields. Additional ".dp" files can be used to organize the datapool variables and data structures.

Example Configuration File
Example_STOCK = {
  string Example_ID;
  string Example_Name;
  string Example_symbol;
  string Example_Open;
  string Example_Close;
  string Example_High;
  string Example_Low;
  string Example_Volume;
  string Example_Price;
  string Example_TimeRange;
Example_RESULTS = {
  string Example_NAME;
      string Example_SCORE;
      string Example_COLOR;

The file shows two DataPool structures.