Special DataPool Variables

$(INDEX): Returns the indexes of sub-containers of the selected container.

$(REFRESH) $(DataField_Name): Trigger all plugins registered to DataField_Name as if the DataField DataField_Name was changed.

$(SCENE), $(THIS_SCENE): Returns the name of the current scene.

$(CONTAINER): Returns the container ID of the container that the DataPool Plugin is attached to.

$(CONTNAME): Returns the name of the container hosting the DataPool plugin.

$(CHILD): Returns the index of the selected child.

$(DATA): Returns the string value of a text object.

$(PARENT): This special variable is applicable only in plugins that have an Action parameter. The $(PARENT) represents the parent DataPool object/structure of the current DataPool field. This variable enables the user to change the values of its "brother" data fields.

Example: in the given structure

DEMO={string Field1
   string Field2};

if a DataPool plugin, with an Action parameter, on the Field1 container refers to $(PARENT)/Field2, it will set the value of Field2 in the same structure:

$(PARENT)/Field2="This is the Field1" $(Field1)

The result of this action will be that Field2 will contain the quoted text and the content of Field1 data field.

IMPORTANT! When working with DataPool structures/objects, the $(PARENT) is the recommended way of addressing other data fields in the DataPool structure/object.

Note: Using the $(PARENT) variable is similar to using the Global/Local parameter in some of the DataPool plugins. Both make the distinction between a DataPool variable that is part of a data structure/object and a DataPool variable that is used not a part of a structure/object.

Note: the Field Name parameter (i.e. the DataPool variable that will trigger the action should be a part of the structure. The $(PARENT) value is defined according to this data field.

$(PARENT_NAME): This special variable is applicable only in plugins that have an Action parameter. The $(PARENT_NAME) returns the parent DataPool object/structure name, of the current DataPool field.

Note: The Field Name parameter (i.e. the DataPool variable that will trigger the action should be a part of the structure. The $(PARENT_NAME) value is defined according to this data field.

See $(PARENT) description for additional details.

$(PARENT_FULL_NAME): This special variable is applicable only in plugins that have an Action parameter. The $(PARENT_FULL_NAME) returns the full hierarchy string of the parent DataPool object/structure, of the current DataPool field. If the structure/object has only one level of variables in the hierarchy, then the $(PARENT_FULL_NAME) and the $(PARENT_NAME) will return the same value. If the structure/object has more than one level, the $(PARENT_FULL_NAME) will return the entire path of the structure from the requested level. The full name is returned in the format of: xx/yy/zz/..

Note: The Field Name parameter (i.e. the DataPool variable that will trigger the action should be a part of the structure. The $(PARENT_FULL_NAME) value is defined according to this data field.

See $(PARENT) description for additional details.

$(FIELD_NAME): Returns the name of the DataField when used in a child container.

$(FIELD_FULL_NAME): Returns the full name of the DataField when used in a child container.

$(FIELD_DATA): Returns the value of a DataField

$(SCENE_FULL_NAME): Returns the full path and scene name.