Following the downlink while retrieving the collection of Primary Events under a Playlist one can also do a GET directly on a single Primary Event.

Take note that the collection of entries under meta_data sub-section is not set in size or content, and depends on the actual meta data attributes on the primary event in the playlist.

GET /api/channels/[channel]/playlists/[playlist]/primaryevents/[primary_event]
GET /api/channels/test/playlists/continuous/primaryevents/primary_element_1_0_0 HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vizrt.integrationshubv2+xml; type=primaryevent
<inthub:primaryEvent xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:inthub="">
<inthub:refLink rel="self" type="application/vizrt.integrationshubv2+xml; type=primaryevent" href="" />
<inthub:refLink rel="secondaryevents" type="application/vizrt.integrationshubv2+xml; type=list" href="" />
<inthub:refLink rel="edit" type="application/vizrt.integrationshubv2+xml; type=primaryevent" href="" />
<inthub:description>Le radeau LE CRASH DU VOL 29</inthub:description>
<inthub:triggerId />
<inthub:houseId />
<inthub:markIn />
<inthub:markOut />
<inthub:error />
<inthub:attribute name="date">2008-04-23</inthub:attribute>
<inthub:attribute name="time">05:48:17:07</inthub:attribute>
<inthub:attribute name="event_type">MAIN</inthub:attribute>

Disallowed Actions

This end-point does not allow POST, and will return a 'HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed'.