A typical setup, illustrated above, consists of the following:

  • Media Router service: This can be configured to support multiple services for connection.
    Normally the ProBel SW-P-08 protocol is used for controlling the Media Router whilst the Viz Mosart (TCP) service is used to communicate with the Viz Mosart servers.

  • A Viz Mosart server using shared resources for device types currently supported by Media Router. The AV Automation application is responsible for communication with Media Router.

Note: AV Automation may forward Media Router configuration to the other Viz Mosart server applications.

  • An external controller system used to set and change the crosspoints of the Media Router using the ProBel protocol.

  • The Media Router Test Application. This is a console application part of the Viz Mosart Test Suite which may be used to verify Media Router configurations.

  • A web client used to control the Media Router service using the Media Router REST protocol.