
DataHyperlink plugin receives mouse events and triggers actions accordingly.
The actions are Viz and DataPool commands.
This plugin gets the mouse events from Viz and it does not require the DataMouseSensor plugin added to the scene.
When a DataHyperlink plugin is used in a scene, a set of predefined DataPool variables is created and updated on every change in the scene. These variables contain information about the mouse cursor location and other mouse events:
MX = Cursor location on the X axis.
MY = Cursor location on the Y axis.
MXY = Cursor location on the X axis and Y axis.
MXYZ = Cursor location on the X axis, Y axis and Z axis.
MOUSE_DRAG = Indicates whether a mouse drag is performed.
MOUSE_CLICK = indicates whether a mouse button is currently pressed.
DRAGGED_CONT = returns the ID of the currently dragged container
DROPPED_CONT = returns the ID of the container that was dropped on the container hosting the DataHyperlink plugin
DROP_TYPE = defines the type of object that was dropped on the container: No object, geometry, Image.
Note: When using DataHyperlink in a scene and no other data is sent externally, adding the DataPool scene plugin is unnecessary.

Unique Parameters
Search Children: When set On, mouse events of child containers will trigger the actions defined on the container that has the plugin attached to it. When set Off, only mouse events on the container that has the plugin attached to it will trigger the actions.
Pick Button: Defines which mouse button (Left, Middle or Right) will trigger the Press and Release events.
On Press: Defines the action that will be triggered when the selected button is pressed and the cursor is within the container area.
On Release: Defines the action that will be triggered when the selected button is released and the cursor is within the container area.
On Enter: Defines the action that will be triggered when the cursor enters the container area.
On Leave: Defines the action that will be triggered when the cursor leaves the container area.
On Mouse Move: To be implemented.
On Mouse Over: Defines the action that will be triggered while the cursor hovers within the container area.
On Mouse Drag: Defines the action that will be triggered while the container is dragged.
On Mouse Drop: Defines the action that will be triggered when another object is dropped within the container area.
Delay Click: If set ON, the actions triggered by the mouse will be delayed by 5 fields. If set OFF no delay will be used.
Drag For Position: Enables to container to be dragged and re-positioned in the render window when in On-Air mode. Positioning will occur when the left mouse button is pressed and the mouse is dragged in the render window when the related container is selected. When set to Yes, additional parameters are enabled.
Use Drop Z-Buffer Value: When dragging an object around, its perspective changes and there for the container area changes. This parameter defines whether the cursor location will follow the container area thru out the dragging of the object or the object will move according to the mouse movements but due to perspective changes, the cursor might exit the container area while dragging.
Limit X Position: Defines whether to limit the movement of the object on the X axis while dragging. When set to Yes, Min X Position and Max X Position will be enabled, defining the minimum/maximum position, on the X axis, that the object can be dragged to.
Limit Y Position: Defines whether to limit the movement of the object on the Y axis while dragging. When set to Yes, Min Y Position and Max Y Position will be enabled.
Limit Z Position: Defines whether to limit the movement of the object on the Y axis while dragging. When set to Yes, Min Z Position and Max Z Position will be enabled.
Drag For Rotation: Enables to container to be dragged and rotated in the render window when in On-Air mode. Rotation will occur when the center mouse button is pressed and the mouse is dragged in the render window when the related container is selected. When set to Yes, additional parameters are enabled.
Limit X Rotation: Defines whether to limit the rotation of the object on the X axis while dragging. When set to Yes, Min X Rotation and Max X Rotation will be enabled.
Limit Y Rotation: Defines whether to limit the rotation of the object on the Y axis while dragging. When set to Yes, Min Y Rotation and Max Y Rotation will be enabled.
Limit Z Rotation: Defines whether to limit the rotation of the object on the Y axis while dragging. When set to Yes, Min Z Rotation and Max Z Rotation will be enabled.
Rotation Sensitivity: Defines the relation between the mouse movement and the object’s rotation. The higher the sensitivity is, the larger mouse movements required to rotate the object to the same point.
Drag For Scale: Enables to container to be scaled when the mouse is dragged in the render window when in On-Air mode. Scaling will occur when the right mouse button is pressed and the mouse is dragged in the render window when the related container is selected. When set to Yes, additional parameters are enabled.
Limit Scale: Defines whether to limit the scaling of the object while dragging. When set to Yes, Min Scale and Max Scale will be enabled.
Scaling Sensitivity: Defines the relation between the mouse movement and the object’s scale. The higher the sensitivity, the larger mouse movements required to scale the object to the same size.
Use Another Container Bounding Box: When set to NO, the container’s bounding box will be used to capture mouse events. When set to YES, another parameter will be enabled, Container For Bounding Box.
Container For Bounding Box: When a container is dragged to the place holder, all the events will now reference this container’s bounding box.
Drop Type: Defines which drop action will trigger an event.
NONE: no event will be triggered
Cont Geom: A dropped geometry will trigger a drag event.
Cont Image: A dropped image will trigger a drag event.
Other Cont Geom: when selected, a Dropped Container parameter will be enabled. When a container is dropped in the defined Dropped Container parameter, it will trigger a drop event.
Other Cont Image: when selected, a Dropped Container parameter will be enabled. When an Image is dropped in the defined Dropped Container parameter, it will trigger a drop event.
Use Viewports: When set to YES, a Camera Number parameter will be enabled. Set the number of camera. The viewport area of the selected camera will trigger the events.
Force Scene Redraw: When set to YES, the render window will be redrawn by Viz every field. When set to OFF, Viz will render the graphics normally.