To explain the described terms and definitions, this section shows some source code examples and explains the important steps and commands.

Most of the examples detailed here are written in an easy and understandable form for programing beginners. Some are basic, while others are more advanced and specific for their use case. More efficient code structures and improvements are possible.

This section contains information on the following topics:

Initializing Scripts

This example declares and defines two variables with a value. In the main procedure OnInit() those two variables and their addition are output to the console using Println.

Callback procedures like OnInit() are used to initialize scripts.

'Declaration of the variables
dim a as Integer
a = 10000
dim b as Integer
b = 5000
'Start of the main procedure sub OnInit()
'Executing the commands
println "\n"
println "The variable a has the following value: " & a
println "\n"
println "The variable b has the following value: " & b
println "\n"
println "The sum of the variables is: " & a + b
'End of the main procedure
end sub

Result output to the Viz Engine console:

Register Parameters

This script example creates a custom editor for filling in index and alpha values. The index value decides which container does not receive the alpha value, whereas the alpha value is set for all other containers.

sub OnInitParameters()
RegisterParameterInt("index", "Index", 1, 1, 7)
RegisterParameterDouble("alpha", "Alpha", 50.0, 0.0, 100.0)
RegisterSpacer("space", 30)
RegisterSeparator("sep", "Actions")
RegisterPushButton("action1", "Action 1", 1)
RegisterPushButton("action2", "Action 2", 1)
end sub
sub OnExecAction(buttonId as Integer)
dim c as Container
dim i, index as Integer
dim a as Double
index = GetParameterInt("index")
a = GetParameterDouble("alpha")
i = 1
c = ChildContainer
do while c <> null
    if i = index then
        c.alpha.value = 100.0
        c.alpha.value = a
    end if
i = i + 1
c = c.NextContainer
end sub

Mouse Events I (Set)

This script example shows how to use a ‘mouse event’” to set an object’s alpha value with OnEnter and OnLeave.

sub OnEnter()
alpha.value = 100.0
end sub
sub OnLeave()
alpha.value = 50.0
end sub

Mouse Events II (Start, Stop and Reverse)

This script, when added to a container, allows an animation to be started with the click of a mouse button over an object (for example, rectangle). Press again and it stops. Press again and it continues from the point it stopped.

dim my_dir = stage.FindDirector("Default")
sub OnLButtonDown()
if my_dir.IsAnimationRunning() then
end if
end sub

With the script detailed below, start an animation and let it run until a stop point. Click again and it runs in reverse:

dim my_dir = stage.FindDirector("Defult")
sub OnLButtonDown()
if my_dir.reverse == true then
my_dir.reverse = false
my_dir.reverse = true
end if
end sub

Mouse Events III (Grow and Shrink)

With this script added to a Container an object grows when the mouse is hovering over the object and conversely. In this case, the center of the object is set to the lower right corner to let it grow out from that center.

dim growing as Boolean = false
sub OnInitParameters()
RegisterParameterDouble("min", "MinScale", 1.0, 0.0, 10.0)
RegisterParameterDouble("max", "MaxScale", 1.5, 0.0, 10.0)
RegisterParameterDouble("fac", "GrowFactor", 1.1, 1.0, 10.0)
end sub
sub OnEnter()
growing = true
end sub
sub OnLeave()
growing = false
end sub
sub OnExecPerField()
dim min = GetParameterDouble("min")
dim max = GetParameterDouble("max")
dim fac = GetParameterDouble("fac")
if growing then *= fac
if scaling.x > max then = max
else /= fac
if scaling.x < min then = min
end if
end sub

Simple Gesture Recognition

This example script can be used to detect a drawn square on the screen:

dim gRecognizer as gesturerecognizer
sub OnInit()
gRecognizer.handlepatterns = true
end sub
sub OnGesture(gesture As Gesture)
if gesture.patternid == PATTERN_SQUARE then
println("This is a square")
end if
end sub
sub OnTouchTrace(trace as Trace, touch as Touch)
end sub

Note: Some gesture patterns need to be checked for their alignment as well, for example up, down, left, and so on. For this you can activate the CheckPatternOrientation property in the gesture recognizer object.

Calculate the Days of a Week and Month

This script example calculates the day of the week and the number of days of the month:

DIM smap AS Array[String]
smap.size = 7
smap[0] = "Sun"
smap[1] = "Mon"
smap[2] = "Tue"
smap[3] = "Wed"
smap[4] = "Thu"
smap[5] = "Fri"
smap[6] = "Sat"
function CalcDayOfWeek(iYear AS Integer, iMonth AS Integer, iDay AS Integer) AS String
DIM dt AS DateTime
dt.year = iYear
dt.month = iMonth
dt.dayofmonth = iDay
CalcDayOfWeek = smap[dt.dayofweek]
end function
function CalcNumOfDaysOfMonth(iYear AS Integer, iMonth AS Integer) AS Integer
DIM dt AS DateTime
dt.year = iYear
dt.month = iMonth+1
dt.dayofmonth = 0
CalcNumOfDaysOfMonth = dt.dayofmonth
end function
sub OnInit()
DIM dt AS DateTime
dt.year = 2019
dt.month = 2
dt.dayofmonth = 23
println("Date: " & CalcDayOfWeek(dt.year, dt.month, dt.dayofmonth) & ", " & dt.year & "" & dt.month & "" & dt.dayofmonth)
println("Days: " & CalcNumOfDaysOfMonth(dt.year, dt.month))
end sub

Update a Scene Using a Text File

This script example updates a Scene from a text file.

dim timer,limit as integer
timer = 0
sub OnInitParameters()
RegisterInfoText("Text File Grabber 1.0" & chr(10) & chr(10)
& "Grabs text file and puts optional prefix/suffix around the contents of the text file." & chr(10)
& "Filename supports paths with drive letters and UNC paths." & chr(10) & chr(10)
& "Text in \"Default Text\" box is used if file specified in File box cannot be opend or accessed." & chr(10) & chr(10)
& "Listens to scene map variable \"text_update\" -- text files are re-read when this variable changes.")
RegisterFileSelector("file", "File", "c:\test", "1.txt", "*.*")
RegisterParameterString("default","Default text","",40,50,"")
RegisterParameterString("prefix","Prefix (optional)","",40,50,"")
RegisterParameterBool("prefixIfNull","Include prefix if file not found",FALSE)
RegisterParameterString("suffix","Suffix (optional)","",40,50,"")
RegisterParameterBool("suffixIfNull","Include suffix if file not found",FALSE)
RegisterParameterInt("updateFields","Auto-Update interval (fields)",300,60,999999999999)
RegisterParameterBool("debug","Debug output to console",FALSE)
end sub
sub OnParameterChanged(parameterName As String)
 're-populate text when a parameter changes
if parameterName <> "updateFields" then UpdateText
if parameterName = "updateFields" then
limit = GetParameterInt("updateFields")
end if
end sub
sub OnExecPerField()
timer = timer + 1
if timer >= limit then
if GetParameterBool("debug") then println "Timer limit reached"
timer = 0
end if
end sub
sub OnInit()
limit = GetParameterInt("updateFields")
end sub
sub OnSharedMemoryVariableChanged(map As SharedMemory, mapKey As String)
if mapKey = "text_update" then
end if
end sub
sub UpdateText()
geometry.text = GetTextFile()
end sub
function GetTextFile() as string
dim content, path as string
path = GetParameterString("file")
if GetParameterBool("debug") then println "File path: " & path
if System.LoadTextFile( path, content ) then
if GetParameterBool("debug") then println "Successfully loaded file"
if len(GetParameterString("prefix")) > 0 then content = GetParameterString("prefix") & " " & content
if len(GetParameterString("suffix")) > 0 then content = content & " " & GetParameterString("suffix")
if GetParameterBool("debug") then println "Could not load file; using default text"
content = GetParameterString("default")
if GetParameterBool("prefixIfNull") then content = GetParameterString("prefix") & " " & content
if GetParameterBool("suffixIfNull") then content = content & " " & GetParameterString("suffix")
end if
GetTextFile = content
if GetParameterBool("debug") then println "Returning '" & GetTextFile & "'"
end function