The Actions pane allows you to define General Purpose Output (GPO) commands, Viz Ticker commands and Viz Engine commands.
GPO commands are handled by Media Sequencer.
Viz Ticker and Viz Engine commands
Both Viz Ticker and Viz Engine commands can be used in Viz Channel Branding to automate certain tasks.
The commands behave as secondary events, in that you can also apply rules and schedule them in the playlist.
Viz Ticker actions are accessible from the Actions panel seen in the left pane. These actions integrate tickers from Viz Ticker. Once the ticker has been created, it can be imported via the Viz Channel Branding Client.
Actions can for example include:
Playing specific data elements on air.
Clearing a specific render layer.
Sending Stop, Continue, Take and other such commands to a specific render layer.
Note: Media Sequencer (MSE) can only handle one ticker at a time. When working with more than one channel in the Traffic Department Workflow the Ticker actions are virtual, meaning that you can schedule them in playlists, but not actually preview them.
See Also