This section describes how to configure the Playout Automation for Enterprise Environments system (D-Series) by Harris Broadcast.
General Information and Setup
Setup on the solution side is similar to the ADC-100 setup; however, Universal Sercom Device is not available, and the LST file provided by the D-Series is not binary but text file based.
Updating Live
VICC: D-Series automatically generates text format *.VICC files into a drop-folder, a line per primary event (secondary events in the primary event’s line). The import/update can scan that folder and update playlists accordingly.
VICC file size is limited so it may not contain all events in the playlist but only a portion of them.
VICC file will not provide all the information available in scheduling system.
Maximum number of playout channels exported = 25.
Maximum number of schedule events exported per channel = 1000.
Maximum number of as ran events exported per channel = 50.
Maximum number of fields exported per event = 16.
Maximum length of each event record = 256 characters.