The ability to split fields is to be able to annotate in the Mapping Table an instruction for the Playlist Importer on how to extract partial information and mapped it a named variable.

The notation for splitting a field is like this: &(FIELD_NAME,”DELIMITER”,FROM,COUNT). If the delimiter is empty, it will split into characters.


Assuming the schedule file contains the value '31.12.2006' and that value is mapped to variable begin_date_temp, we can then assign this to another variable using the split annotation to extract partial value.

&(begin_date_temp,"",1,2) => "31"
&(begin_date_temp,"",11,2) => ""
&(begin_date_temp,"",10,2) => "6"
&(begin_date_temp,".",1,2) => "31.12"
&(begin_date_temp,".",2,2) => "12.2006"
&(begin_date_temp,".",2,3) => "12.2006"
&(begin_date_temp,".",4,1) => ""
&(begin_date_temp,".",3,2) => "2006"
&(begin_date_temp,"/",2,1) => ""
&(begin_date_temp,"/",1,1) => "31.12.2006"