Viz Mosart Media Router Guide

Version 5.0 | Published October 18, 2021 ©

MMR Configuration of Vizrt Graphics

All MMR configuration is performed directly in an xml file, MediaRouterDB.xml.

Note: MediaRouterDB.xml, is updated when using MMR with state information. It is therefore recommended to keep the original configuration in a separate file and copy any changes to the file used by MMR.

Viz MSEs and Viz Engines to be used by a Mosart installation are specified in the MMR configuration as sources and inports respectively. An inport shall always be attached to a single client which means for Viz graphics all Viz Engines must be associated with a single Viz MSE. This means that a configuration where a Viz Engine is used by different Viz MSEs, the Viz Engine must be specified multiple times, one for each Viz MSE.

Below are some examples how Viz Graphics is configured in the MMR configuration file, MediaRouterDb.xml. Note that only details relevant to this example are shown.

Configuration of Viz MSE

Viz MSE is configured as a graphics controller and in MMR terms, configured as a source:

<item id = "FG.NEWS" ignore = "false" type = "Vizrt" category = "FullscreenGraphics">


  • Id: Unique identifier for the source. Used in inports to relate to the source. Recommended to follow naming convention in the MMR database configuration.

  • ignore: If set to true, the source will be ignored by MMR. Used to disable configuration.

  • type: Graphics type. Set to “Vizrt” for Viz Graphics

  • category: Device category. Set to either FullscreenGraphics or OverlayGraphics. Both types can be used for both FullscreenGraphics and OverlayGraphics.

  • ConnectionString: Source specific properties, separated by ‘;’. For Viz MSE:

    • Syntax: Server=hostname[:port][,hostname[:port]][;AutoHandlerNames=true]

    • Server: Specify hostname/ip-address of Viz MSE:

      • Syntax: Server=hostname[:port][,hostname[:port]]

      • Some examples:

        • Backup MSE: main_host,backup_host

        • Tcp/ip port: hostname:port

    • AutoHandlerNames: To generate Viz MSE handler names automatically.

      • Syntax: AutoHandlerNames=[true,false]

      • Default true for Viz Graphics

      • AutoHandlerNames = true is required for mirrored graphics.

Configuration of Viz Engine

Viz Engines are configured in MMR terms as an inport and therefore must be related to a source:

      <item id="FG.NEWS.E1" order="1" ignore="false" device="FG.NEWS" deviceName="1"
             category="FullscreenGraphics" deviceType="Vizrt" ">
         <ConnectionString>Host=hostname; Encoding=UTF-8</ConnectionString>


  • Id : Unique identifier for the inport. Recommended to follow naming convention in the MMR database configuration.

  • order: Used to relate to Probel crosspoint source

  • ignore: If set to true, the inport will be ignored by MMR. Used to disable configuration.

  • device: Specifies the source the inport belongs to. A source in this context refers to a Viz MSE. Must be a valid source.

  • deviceName: Device specific. For Viz graphics this is used to specify the viz handler name as used by the Viz MSE. This is ignored when AutoHandlerNames = true (see configuration of Viz MSE)

  • type: Graphics type. Set to “Vizrt” for Viz Graphics

  • category: Device category. Set to either FullscreenGraphics or OverlayGraphics. Both types can be used for both FullscreenGraphics and OverlayGraphics.

  • ConnectionString: Device specific properties, separated by ‘;’. For Viz Engine:

    • Syntax: hostname[:port][,hostname[:port]][,hostname[:port][,…][;Method=scene_AB_mode][;Encoding=UTF-8]

    • Host=hostname: Specify hostname(s) for the Viz Engine

      • Syntax: hostname[:port][,hostname[:port]][,hostname[:port][,…]

      • Use multiple hostnames for mirrored graphics.

      • Optional tcp/ip ports are specified by appending the port after ‘:’

      • Some examples:

        • Mirrored graphics: hostname1,hostname2

        • Tcp/ip port: hostname:6110

    • Method=scene_AB_mode – Used to specify scene transition mode on Viz Engine.

      • Syntax: Method=scene_AB_mode

    • Encoding – sets the MSE encoding. Normally UTF-8

Configuration of Mosart fullscreen graphics

Mosart fullscreen graphics are configured in MMR terms as an outport related to a client which specifies a Mosart server.

      <item id="STUDIO1" ignore="false" type="Mosart">
      <item id="STUDIO1.FG1" order="1" ignore="false" device="STUDIO1" deviceName="1" category="FullscreenGraphics" deviceType="Mosart" />

The client is used to specify a Mosart Server. The connection point for MMR is AvAutomation. To enable MMR on a Mosart Server is therefore done in AvAutomation.

Mosart Server (client) properties

The Mosart Server itself is configured as an MMR client with the following properties:

  • Id – Unique identifier for the client. Used in outports to relate to the client. Recommended to follow naming convention in the MMR database configuration.

  • ignore – If set to true, the client will be ignored by MMR. Used to disable configuration.

  • type – Identifies client type. Set to “Mosart”

  • ConnectionString – Sets the connectivity properties for the Mosart Server

    • Server=hostname – Specifies the server hostname or ip-address for the Mosart Server

    • Port=portno – Specifies the tcp/ip listening port used by AvAutomation in the Mosart Server. This port is configurable in AvAutomation in Devices / Preferences / General tab / MediaRouter section.

Mosart Server fullscreen (outport) properties

Mosart Server fullscreen graphics is configured as MMR outports with the following properties:

  • Id: Unique identifier for the outport. Recommended to follow naming convention in the MMR database configuration.

  • order: Used to relate to Probel crosspoint destination

  • ignore: If set to true, the outport will be ignored by MMR. Used to disable configuration.

  • device: Specifies the client the outport belongs to. Must be a valid client.

  • deviceName: For Viz fullscreen graphics this is used to specify the corresponding fullscreen engine used by AvAutomation.
    Must a number in the range [1..5] or [11..15] where the latter is mirrored engines in the following pairs: (1,11), (2,12), …, (5,15).

    Note: Mirroring for Viz graphics is also possible by specifying multiple hostnames in the ConnectionString for the Viz Engine.

  • category: Device category. Set to FullscreenGraphics for fullscreen graphics.

Configuration of Mosart overlay graphics

Mosart overlay graphics are configured in MMR terms as an outport related to a client which specifies a Mosart server.

      <item id="STUDIO1" ignore="false" type="Mosart">
      <item id="STUDIO1.OG1" order="2" ignore="false" device="STUDIO1" deviceName="DSK" category="OverlayGraphics" deviceType="Mosart" />

Mosart Server Overlay (outport) properties

Mosart Server overlay graphics is configured as MMR outports with the following properties:

  • Id: Unique identifier for the outport. Recommended to follow naming convention in the MMR database configuration.

  • order: Used to relate to Probel crosspoint destination

  • ignore: If set to true, the outport will be ignored by MMR. Used to disable configuration.

  • device: Specifies the client the outport belongs to. Must be a valid client.

  • deviceName: For Viz overlay graphics this is used to specify graphics destination as configured in the OverlayGraphics static configuration.
    Either a valid destination name or a number in the range [1..8]. The latter is former configuration which requires mapping between destination number and destination.
    This mapping table is part of the OverlayGraphics static configuration.

  • category: Device category. Set to OverlayGraphics for overlay graphics.

Viz Graphics Additional Properties

From the configuration there are some properties that are important when using MMR and mirrored graphics:

Apply Channel Name to Elements

This property is available in both OverlayGraphics and FullscreenGraphics static configurations. When enabled all graphics elements will be tagged with the corresponding destinations in the Mosart playlists. The graphics will also be controlled via the Viz MSE Channels. This is the preferred and recommended way by Viz MSE. Enabling this property is a requirement for mirrored graphics.

For MMR this property is set using the ApplyChannelNameToNewElements property located in the GraphicsDefaultConfiguration.xml configuration file.

Remove Unused Channels Outputs

This property is available in the VizrtGraphicsConfiguration.xml configuration file. When enabled the Mosart profile in Viz MSE will synchronize to the current Mosart fullscreen and overlay configurations. This is mandatory when using MMR.