Reality Connect Release Notes

Version 1.0 | Published August 30, 2023 ©

Reality Connect Release Notes

Reality Connect 1.0.0

Release Date: 2023-08-30

These are the release notes for Reality Connect version 1.0.0. This is the first release of Reality Connect.


Viz Virtual Studio Integration

Reality connect integrates with Viz Virtual Studio, specifically Viz Engine and Tracking Hub, to enable more realistic rendering with effects such as talent shadows and reflections.

Talent Tracking

Up to eight talents, each with a set of 34 joint positions, are tracked simultaneously in real-time. These poses can then be applied to rigged talent models in the Viz Engine. Reality Connect implements different modes to configure the best trade-off between performance, quality and delay.

Talent Preset Models

Six talent preset models with different gender, outfit and body shape are contained in the installation. These automatically integrate with Reality Connect to animate according to the tracked talent(s).

Shadow and Reflection Rendering

The animated talent models can be configured to cast shadows and/or reflections on to the virtual scene creating a more realistic look.


Documentation for Object Tracker and related products are available on the Vizrt FTP and on the Vizrt Documentation Center:


Support is available at the Vizrt Support Portal.