Template Builder User Guide

Version 2.0 | Published July 26, 2021 ©

Editing Template Layout

Editing a template's layout makes it easy to create fill-in forms for journalist. With drag & drop functionality, creating new fill-in forms is quick and easy.

  • Adding tabs enables you to quickly create fill-in forms based on selected fields or start with an empty space where you can add your chosen field types.

  • The All tab gives you access to the classic form that contains all of the template's field types.

  • Resize, move, edit, add and delete fields quickly.

This section covers the following topics:

Follow the steps below to get started.

Accessing Layout Editing

  1. Open or create a new template and add a scene.

  2. Click Fill-in form:


The default view is then displayed:


Creating a Template

Selecting Fields and Creating a New Tab

To create a new form for journalists to work with, select fields and click the Create New Tab button:


Enter a new for your new tab and click OK:


In the example in above, Selected is marked as the fields have already been selected. Click OK. All of the previously selected fields are now shown:


Creating a Second Tab

You can use the layout editor to drag and drop, resize and reposition elements in the form. This can be a quick way of doing things if you're only using a few fields.

  1. Click the Create Tab button (or ALT +T).

  2. Enter a name for the tab. Select None and click OK:


Adding, Moving, and Resizing Fields

Use drag and drop to add fields:


You can then use your cursor to resize and move the elements around:


You can also create a new tab and click Select All:


This tab then contains all the fields, and is quite similar to the default view:


Deleting Tabs

When you're happy with your design, you can Delete the tabs that you don't want to use, right-click on the tab:


Hiding and Showing Tabs

You can then decide what should be visible to the journalist. All with a line through the eye icon indicates that a tab is hidden:


Make a tab visible by clicking the breadcrumbs beside New Template at the top of the screen:


Deselect Hide generated view and click Close:




Creating a Drop-down Menu

Give the journalist more options to choose from. Click Data entry at the bottom left of the screen. Select Choose from list:


Enter a Name in the menu:


Double-click the Value field:


Edit the Value box:


Right click in the menu and select Insert row below, to create more rows in the same way:


Changing the Image

Click the circle icon to open a menu to search for a different image:


Select an image and click OK:


Image Constraints


Specify standards for image quality and size using either or both of the following:

  • Minimum size of the image (pixels): number of pixels, irrespective of aspect ratio.

  • Aspect ratio: minimum width and height.

Note: A warning is shown if the image becomes smaller than the minimum permitted.

Saving a Template

Click the Disk icon (or shortcut CTRL + S) to save:


Enter a template name and click Save:
