For a more realistic rendering and to prevent the effect of floating talent, shadow can be added in the virtual scene. To cast a shadow into the virtual scene, either a geometry or a texture with an alpha mask is needed.

Casting Shadows by Doing Pose Estimation

To use a geometry, please see our Viz Reality Connect solution.

Casting Shadows by Using Keyed Texture from the Precision Keyer

This section explains how to setup a shadow caster using the keyed texture from the Precision Keyer, which is placed in the scene tree (only) to cast the shadow. 

Scene Preparations

  • Add a live input with your camera signal (or a clip as a placeholder).

  • Enable the Precision Keyer, setup accordingly.

  • Enable Talent Tracking on the keyed asset.

Scene Tree Preparations

  • Add a top-level container called tracker.

  • Add another container textureAnchor as a child node, and add a quad as geometry. Add a PhongMaterial and assign your media asset as color input.

  • Change the material properties, set the Rendering Method to Transparent.

  • Add TalentTracker plug-in on tracker, select TalentShadow as mode, and select PersonID. Tracking is needed to have the correct contact point of the talent and the floor (Floor must be at y=0 in a Virtual Studio). 

  • Transform the container textureAnchor as needed to be fullscreen. Add a LookAt plug-in and enable KeepSize. The texture is now fullscreen and billboards the screen.

  • Add a ShadowCaster plug-in to enable shadow casting, and add a Key plug-in and disable Draw RGB and Draw Key to exclude the texture from normal rendering. It only affects the shadow.

  • The scene tree looks like this:

  • Now setup your Virtual Studio scene as needed, and add lights that cast shadows.

  • Your scene now casts shadows from the talent.

  • Add the used media asset as Foreground in the scene settings to get the final composition: