This section describes how to configure a Stagetec driver.

Setting up the Stagetec Driver

The configuration consists of three parts:

AudioMixerStagetecDiamondRas.xml Config File

The default contents of this file are:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<DeviceConfig name="StagetecDiamondRasConfig">
            <!--The strip number of the leftmost fader in the add-on panel-->
            <!--The default setting is for controlling strips 33-40-->
            <item name="FirstAddOnStrip" value="33"/>
            <!--This alternative setting is for controlling strips 1-8 of the Auratus simulator-->
            <!--<item name="FirstAddOnStrip" value="1"/>-->
            <!--The initial scenario, if any-->
            <item name="InitialScenario" value=""/>
  • FirstAddOnStrip: Controls the add-on panel. Default 33. Only change this value if necessary.
    The alternative setting is for controlling a Stagetec simulator.

  • InitialScenario: Scenario that is used at start-up. Shall be a scenario name as described in section Scenario Configuration below.

To change the Strategic config file

Please follow the standard procedure:

  1. Navigate to the installation folder (usually) at C:\Program Files (x86)\Mosart Medialab\Mosart Server\ConfigurationFiles

  2. From ConfigurationFiles copy the Strategic xml to C:\channeltemplates.

  3. Make changes to the copy.

Scenario Configuration

  • One or more scenarios may be configured.

  • Each scenario is represented by an xml file (with file extension .xml and containing valid xml).

  • The scenario config files must be put in one of the places normally used for config files, preferably C:\channeltemplates.

Sample config file Studio3Mics.xml

The installation contains a sample scenario config file, Studio3Mics.xml. This file may be copied and used as a model for real scenarios:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
               <Strip Number="1" FaderType="DeviceType" Channel="MIC" PreviewOrProgram="Program" />
               <Strip Number="2" FaderType="Empty" PreviewOrProgram="Program" />
               <Strip Number="3" FaderType="Ignore" PreviewOrProgram="Program" />
               <Strip Number="4" FaderType="Static" Channel="Ch   3" PreviewOrProgram="Program" />
               <Strip Number="5" FaderType="DeviceType" Channel="MIC" PreviewOrProgram="Preview" />
               <Strip Number="6" FaderType="Empty" PreviewOrProgram="Preview" />
               <Strip Number="7" FaderType="Ignore" PreviewOrProgram="Preview" />
               <Strip Number="8" FaderType="Static" Channel="Ch   1" PreviewOrProgram="Preview" />

The outer parts are fixed:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

Understanding the Strip element

There are one or more Strip elements, each defining which channel to assign to the strip. The attributes are as follows: 


Valid values




Determines which strip is defined.
Strips must be Numbered 1-8.

The actual strip number also depends on the value of FirstAddOnStrip described above, to give:

Number - 1 + FirstAddOnStrip

With the default config, Number=1 then corresponds to strip 33.


DeviceType or
Empty or
Ignore or

DeviceType: The actual channel will be determined as described below this table.

Empty: The fader/strip will be unassigned.

Ignore: The Strip element will be ignored altogether.

Static: The channel will simply be the one with name equal to the value of the Channel attribute.


Mixer channel name or
device type
or soundplayer)

If (above) FaderType=Static:
The mixer channel with the specified name is assigned to the stripe.

If FaderType=DeviceType:
The actual channel will be determined as described below.


or Program

Used only if FaderType=DeviceType (but must be present also in the other cases, but then without any effect).


false (default)

Only required if

FaderType=DeviceType and

the fader allocation is reevaluated after the templates are changed.

Note: This attribute is not considered when setting the initial scenario or when changing the current scenario with a control command.

The effect of FaderType=DeviceType is described below and includes the quality of this Sticky attribute.

When FaderType=DeviceType

The actual channel is determined as follows:

  • A channel of the type specified by the Channel attribute (an ‘eligible’ channel) will be assigned.

  • If PreviewOrProgram=Preview, the channel chosen will be among the eligible channels in the preview template.
    If the scenario has several Strip elements with

    • FaderType=DeviceType,

    • the same Channel, and

    • PreviewOrProgram=Preview

each such Strip element will define a different channel (as long as there are enough eligible channels in the Preview template).

  • Similarly, if PreviewOrProgram=Program, the channel chosen will be among the eligible channels in the program template. If the scenario has several Strip elements with

    • FaderType=DeviceType,

    • the same Channel and

    • PreviewOrProgram=Program

each such Strip element will define a different channel (as long as there are enough eligible channels in the Program template).

  • If there are not enough eligible channels (in the Preview or Program template, respectively) of the specified type, each surplus strip will be unassigned, and have no fader/channel assigned.

  • If the strip has the attribute Sticky, and the fader allocation is reevaluated after the templates have changed, the strip is left as is (this is the quality of Sticky).

  • The Strip elements with FaderType=Static is not considered here. The same channel may be assigned to several strips.

Assuming that the Preview template contains the MIC channel Mic1 (but not Mic2 or any other) and that the Program template contains the MIC channel Mic2 (but not Mic1 or any other), the sample scenario results in this assignment:










Ch   3








Ch   1

Note: The fader allocation described above is reevaluated whenever the templates are changed.

Calling Scenarios with control commands

Scenarios are invoked through control commands. These control commands should be structured as follows:

  • Command: DEVICE_PROPERTY (usually selectable in a dropdown)

  • Value: AUDIO (sometimes, but not always, selectable in a dropdown)


Note: Studio3Mics is an example only. In practice, provide the current scenario name (file name without extension xml).

In Template properties it looks like this:


On the UI: