Viz Pilot User Guide

Version 8.4 | Published July 03, 2019 ©

Installation and Configuration of Drop Desk

Install and configure the Drop Desk Server

Installation and configuration of the Drop Desk server component is described in the Viz One Administrator Guide.

Install the Drop Desk Client

Installation steps:

  1. Run the installer: DropDesk.iNEWS.Installer-<VERSION>.msi

  2. When prompted, specify the hostname of the Drop Desk server (the Viz One server where the Drop Desk server is installed).

  3. Alternatively, use automated installation from the command line, and provide the Drop Desk hostname like this:
    msiexec.exe /i dropdesk-inews-plugin.msi /qn /l install.log SERVER_HOSTNAME=MyDropDeskServerNameHere


To verify that Drop Desk client plugin is correctly installed either:

  • Start the iNEWS client and go to iNEWS > Tools > Plugins > Drop Desk

  • Open the Drop Desk service page from your browser to check availability. For example: http://MyDropDeskServer:14411/dropdesk.html