Viz Trio User Guide

Version 4.0 | Published September 25, 2023 ©


Select Snapshot from the Page Editor drop-down menu to open a window where a snapshot of the current view on the on-air renderer can be taken.

Specify the channel to take a snapshot from, and select the preferred format. Browse the Image database to select a folder to store the snapshot.

Images can be sorted by Name or Date. Select the Reverse check-box to reverse the sorting. To refresh the content of the selected folder, click the Refresh button.

Then, enter a name for the image and press the Take Snapshot button to the right. A thumbnail of the snapshot will be visible in the selected folder.

Note: Snapshots can only be deleted from Viz Artist.

Right click an image to open the context menu:


  • Load: Loads the image into the preview renderer.

  • Export Image: Saves the image to disk.