Service Host

Version 1.1 | Published November 21, 2018 ©

Troubleshooting Channel Recorder

This page contains some common troubleshooting tips:

ChannelRecorder and Viz Engine

As both Channel Recorder and Viz Engine are using a Matrox topology, make sure Viz Engine is being started before Channelrecorder if you need to use a shared input. If Viz Engine is started afterwards, the acquisition of the selected input connector will fail.

The Service Reports Timeout Errors

If Channel Recorder reports timeout errors, try increasing the timeout value by sending the command CONFIG SET TIMEOUT [timeout], or by configuring the timeout value using the web interface provided by Service Host.

Channel Recorder fails to initialize

Channel Recorder will fail to initialize if GENLOCK is selected as clock type and no valid synchronization signal or input signal is connected to the Matrox video board. Make sure that the Matrox board is connected to an input and sync source.

Recording UHD with XAVC produces specified compression format is not supported error

UHD recording with XAVC requires a Matrox M264 board to be installed in the system. If the system does not have such a board installed, Channel Recorder will report that the specified compression format is not supported.