Graphic Hub Administrator Guide
Version 3.3 | Published March 12, 2019 ©
Graphic Hub Applications
The Graphic Hub solution consists of these applications:
Graphic Hub
The physical back end server where the database content is stored (see General Database Information).
The Graphic Hub makes the database available to clients in a network. To log in and work with Viz Artist, a User must connect to a running Graphic Hub, on a machine in the network. In normal circumstances a Graphic Hub is started through the Graphic Hub Terminal, and shut down, logged in to or logged out of, from the Graphic Hub Manager.
Various parameters can be defined in the Graphic Hub Terminal before a Graphic Hub is started, for example the name and the data directory to where the database should have its root folder.
Graphic Hub Terminal
The Graphic Hub Terminal is the user interface used to configure, start, stop and restart both the Graphic Hub Naming Service and the Graphic Hub Server. See Graphic Hub Terminal.
Graphic Hub Manager
The Graphic Hub Manager is used to administer one or more Graphic Hubs. For example, the server files and access levels for users and groups can be managed from this application. See Graphic Hub Manager.
Graphic Hub REST
The Graphic Hub REST is a web-service for a Graphic Hub. It is an interface to retrieve and send data to and from a Graphic Hub through HTTP requests. See Graphic Hub REST.
It provides the access to all data on a Graphic Hub. A client is able to retrieve any kind of data like Scenes, Images, etc., and its metadata like Owner, Creation Date, etc. Also, all metadata, like Users, Types, Keywords, can be retrieved.
Any skilled web developer and designer can build an application based upon the Graphic Hub Interface Agent.
For example, if a scene from the Super Bowl contains an image of the quarterback, this image can be retrieved by an external application, like a blog, by a search on the Graphic Hub Interface Agent. The blogger is also able to insert this in an article and publish to the web.
Graphic Hub Deploy Agent
Upgrades the Graphic Hub solution with a powerful service to copy directories/projects/files with all necessary data (referenced directories/projects/files) from one server to another. See Graphic Hub Deploy Agent.
Graphic Hub Naming Service
The Graphic Hub Naming Service monitors all applied servers in the network. See Graphic Hub Naming Service.
See Also