Graphic Hub Administrator Guide
Version 3.3 | Published March 12, 2019 ©
Troubleshooting GH ImEx Agent
This page provides help for troubleshooting the following scenarios:
Unable to connect to GH ImEx Agent service
This indicates that the GH ImEx Agent HTTP server is not accessible or that the service is not running.
Press Windows+R.
A Run window opens in the bottom left corner.
Enter services.msc and click OK. An overview of services opens.
Check whether the Viz GH ImEx Agent service is in Running status.
If the service is not running, right click the Viz GH ImEx Agent service and select Start or Restart.
In the ImEx Agent web interface, click Retry to connect or refresh the page in the browser.
Status box displays an error
Click on the error icon to get forwarded the page where you can investigate the error.
In this example, we are taken to the GH REST hosts overview page. Hover the mouse over the error to display more information, for example, Request failed: Status='502'.
The status code 502 Bad Gateway is returned because the Graphic Hub or REST host used in a Distribution plan is either not running or reachable.
Status box displays a warning
Click on the warning icon to get forwarded the page where you can investigate the warning.
In this example we are taken to the GH REST hosts overview page. Hover the mouse over the error to display more information, for example, GH-Rest not reachable.
Note: ImEx displays a warning although GH REST is not reachable. This is proper behavior, because the given host (here, http://TUTORIAL02:19398 ) is not referenced by any import jobs, as you can tell from the enabled trash can icon.
Media staging status shows an error
Hover over the error icon to get further information:
In this example, the destination directory /data/ImportDirectory01 has been deleted. To resolve the error, select an existing folder by clicking the browse (...) icon.
Selecting an existing folder/project resolves the error:
Media staging status shows a warning
Hover over the warning icon to get further information:
In this example, the current folder has been renamed.
To remove the warning, click the warning icon and Acknowledge to remove the warning.