Graphic Hub Administrator Guide

Version 3.7 | Published August 05, 2022 ©

Archives Panel

This section contains details about the archive panel of the Graphic Hub Manager.

In the Archives Panel, archives can be imported and exported with drag and drop. It also offers other functionality:

  • An archive search function.

  • View the contents of an archive.

  • Import single files from an archive.

  • View archive details.

In the Tool bar click on View > Archives to open the Archive panel.

The Archives panel consists of:

  • Archives View (1): Shows archives in folders (User selected (see Graphic Hub Manager Customization).

  • Search View (2): Search in all or selected archives.

  • Archive Contents View (3): Shows the content of the selected archive.

  • Archive Details View (4): Shows the details of a selected archive.

Go to Graphic Hub Archives for detailed information about: