Graphics Plugin Administrator Guide

Version 2.5 | Published March 06, 2024 ©

Network Requirements

A Viz Engine can be shared by multiple simultaneous NLE clients; however, there is no recommended number of users for SD and HD as this usually involves a performance issue and is not a fixed limitation.

Windows and Mac-based NLE system setups typically operate on a single Viz Engine. Since this requires transportation of frames (images) over the network, a fast network connection is recommended - preferably a gigabit switched network connection; however, a megabit (100 Mbit/s) connection will also work as the plugin supports lossless data compression using Portable Network Graphics (PNG) or Run-length Encoding (RLE) instead of uncompressed raw images.

Note: RLE is only supported by Viz Engine 3.2.2 or later.

Port Numbers

The table below describes all listeners and port numbers, and applications that use the port numbers to establish a connection:




Viz Engine


Default port used for graphics rendering.

Viz Trio


Used by the Graphics Plugin to establish a connection to Viz Trio.

Viz Pilot


Used by the Graphics Plugin to establish a connection to Viz Pilot.

Viz Pilot Edge


Used by the Graphics Plugin to establish a connection to Viz Pilot Edge.

Graphics Plugin Config


Used by the Graphics Plugin to establish a connection to the Graphics Plugin configuration tool.

Media Sequencer


Port used by all clients that connect to the Media Sequencer.

Viz Engine


Alternative port used to avoid conflicts with port 6100. Port 6100 is normally used by renderers that are On Air, hence, it is (for example when running Viz Pilot version 4) recommended to use another port.

Viz Engine (multiplexed)




Used by clients that connect to a multiplexed Viz Engine.

50007: Isolated port. All connections to this port get their own session. The port is used by the Graphics Plugin to deliver frames to the host NLE system. For example: rendering or scrubbing of video clips with graphics. Using this port will also suppress bounding box commands. Cannot be used by Viz Pilot.

50008: Shared port. All connections from one single host share one session. Used by Viz Trio, Viz Pilot and Viz Pilot Edge to display preview frames.

50009: Fixed port. Same as shared port, except that allocated resources are never cleared from memory. Used by Viz Pilot 4.

Viz Engine (Dual Channel)




Second default port for a dual channel Viz Engine.

50107: Isolated port. All connections to this port get their own session. The port is used by the Graphics Plugin to deliver frames to the host NLE system. For example: rendering or scrubbing of video clips with graphics. Using this port will also suppress bounding box commands. Cannot be used by Viz Pilot.

50108: Shared port. All connections from one single host share one session. Used by Viz Trio, Viz Pilot and Viz Pilot Edge to display preview frames.

50109: Fixed port. Same as shared port, except that allocated resources are never cleared from memory. Used by Viz Pilot 4.

Connection Broker


Connection to the Connection Broker configuration interface (for example http://localhost:21098/).