Template Builder User Guide

Version 3.0 | Published October 04, 2023 ©

Creating and Managing Templates

Create templates using the scene import feature.

This section covers the following topics:

Creating a New Template

  • Click Create New in the Open Template menu or the plus icon on the toolbar.

Note: If this option is not available, make sure the required programs are up-to-date.

You now need to add a scene to your new, empty template:

  • Go to Scenes at the top left of the interface.

  • Select +Add Scene.


The Select scenes menu appears, containing all of the scenes stored in the Graphic Hub to which you are connected:


Note: The Graphic Hub containing your scenes is specified through the graphic_hub_url setting in Pilot Data Server.

  • Enter a search term or browse the folder structure. Once you have selected the correct scene or scenes, press OK to add them to the template:

  • If you want to assign the scene to a different concept, right-click it and select Replace concept:


  • Select an existing concept or enter a new Concept name and click Ok.

Note: New concepts are inactive by default, which means they will not be visible in other applications. Once the template has been saved, use the Concept Manager (see below) at the top right of the interface to activate them.

  • Click the Fill-in form tab to see a preview of the template with its auto-generated fields.

Opening a Template

  • Click Open, or CTRL + O, to open a dialog containing templates available within the Pilot system.

  • In the Open Template dialog, use Concepts and Tags to filter templates. The search can also be narrowed down by searching for the template name in the Type to filter... field at the top of the dialog.

  • Select a template and click OK or double-click it to open.

Note: Template Builder can detect if there is an unsaved state while opening an old template. If this occurs, the following message will show: "The old template was updated and needs saving". Save the template and continue your workflow.


Template Management

Advanced Dialog


The menu at the top center of the interface allows you to open the Advanced dialog:


  • Active: To mark this template as a draft or not. A template marked as a draft means that this template is not visible in Viz Pilot Edge.

  • Legacy: If Viz Pilot Director should open it using Viz Pilot Edge or Viz Pilot News (a legacy setting):

    • Enabled: In Viz Pilot Director. Legacy templates open in the built-in template window.

    • Disabled (default): In Viz Pilot Director 8.6 or later, the template opens in Viz Pilot Edge.

  • View and edit the Tags of the template.

Concept Manager

The Concept Manager is available by clicking the icon on the top right toolbar:


The Concept Manager allows you to mark Concepts as active or inactive (draft):


Inactive concepts will not be visible in Viz Pilot Edge. The templates of this concept will also be hidden from the Viz Pilot Edge user. Setting a concept as inactive means it can be in draft mode for the Template Builder user.

Once it is activated, it is visible to the Viz Pilot Edge newsroom users.