Template Builder User Guide

Version 3.1 | Published June 26, 2024 ©

Auto-generated Title

The Title setting provides an auto-generation of the title. The title can be plain text or it can be a placeholder for one or several field values, or it can be a combination of these. The placeholder is the {Field ID}, the example below shows a combination of plain text, field name, and sub-field name:


A template title can be auto-generated by combining one or several of these options:

  • Normal text: Plain text (red).

  • {Field ID}: Substituted with the value of the field (green).

  • {Field ID/subfield ID}: Substituted with the value of the subfield (purple).

  • {listfieldname/#index/cellname}: Substituted with the value of the field in a row in a list. Note that the index is zero-based.

Warning: The auto-generated title's length is not shortened in Vizrt web clients. However, if the title is longer than 128 characters it will be reduced when dragging out the MOS XML file due to size constraints. This affects the element title in the newsroom system.

Note: When the template uses custom HTML representation, it is highly recommended to set a pattern for Auto-generated title.