Viz Mosart Administrator Guide
Version 5.4 | Published July 22, 2024 ©
Other Viz Mosart Applications
This section contains the following topics:
Media Router and Mosart Template Database
Media Router and Template Database with a MySQL database enables two features within Viz Mosart:
Resource sharing: video servers, graphics devices, robotics, and so on.
Viz Mosart can be configured to use shared broadcast devices between control rooms via the dedicated Media Router (MMR). This device enables Viz Mosart to select other devices before the next show.
The vision switcher and audio mixer are not included in Media Router control, but may in some situations be shared, depending on the device’s capability and/or the planned use of the device. -
Template sharing: Viz Mosart template information between multiple Viz Mosart installations.
These features are a licensed addition to the Viz Mosart Server. Please consult your nearest sales agent for more information.
Omnibus Controller
The Omnibus Controller allows communication with Omnibus systems for Viz Mosart installations running Omnibus equipment.
SNMP Service
This application allows for system monitoring of the Viz Mosart Server with SNMP agents such as Nagios and Navigator. Any SNMP agent application with MIB support is able to use this service.
Test Suite
The Test Suite contains various diagnostic utilities that can be used when installing Viz Mosart for the first time or when connected broadcast devices must be checked.
This is a list of some of the tools available in the Test Suite:
AsRunLogTester: Test AsRun Log publishing
MediaRouterTester: Test Media Router
MVCPSimul: Test MVCP protocol
NexioTest: Test Nexio protocol
QuantelTest: Test Corba protocol
RoboTest: Test camera robotics
ShotokuTester: Test Shotoku camera robotics
TestAudioMixer: Test Audio Mixer communications
TestMIDIShowControl: Test MIDI Lighting control
TestRouterControl: Test Router communications
TestVDCP: Test VDCP protocol
TestVisionMixer: Test Vision Mixer communications
VintenTester: Test Vinten 200 protocol