Viz Ticker User Guide
Version 4.0 | Published June 29, 2021 ©
Global Conventions
Tip: When naming scene identifiers (element source, layer identifier, state identifiers, and so on), strive to use alphanumeric characters only. Special characters should not be used, such as space, \ (backslash), / (forward-slash), < (less-than), > (greater-than), & (ampersand), ' (single-quote) and " (double-quote).
Ticker carousels are created in Viz Artist as scenes. The following design conventions apply for all carousels (both scrolling and flipping):
Control plug-ins: Elements that should be modified in Viz Ticker Client must have control plug-ins attached. The Control Object plug-in must be added to the template root container, while additional Control plug-ins should be added to sub-containers.
Tip: If text should be edited, add the Control Text plug-in to the text container.
States: Carousels must have one out state, and at least one in state. The in state means that the graphics are visible on-screen, while the out state means that the graphics are positioned outside the visual bounds. The scene can have multiple stop points that define the out state, but they must all be named O, as there is only one out state.
Horizontal Alignment: The horizontal alignment of carousel templates can be set to either left, right, top, or bottom. Leftward scrolling should be left centered, rightward scrolling should be right centered, upward scrolling should be top centered, and downward scrolling should be bottom centered.
Tip: A ticker with Arabic text should typically be right centered, as Arabic is a right-to-left language.
See Also