Datacenter User Guide

Version 2.0 | Published November 02, 2023 ©

Getting Started

To add live data to your graphics with Datacenter, follow these simple steps:

  1. Configure your output(s) application to be ready to receive incoming data. Make sure to configure or load a correct Viz Engine scene that works with Datacenter.

  2. Access the Datacenter main UI and configure it to add information, such as provider APIs or folders to monitor.

  3. Create one or more datasets and configure them.

    1. Each data set contains a list of key/value-pairs that you can filter, edit and control in real-time, deciding which values should be sent to your output(s) to populate their graphics.

  4. Create and configure one or more Outputs to receive live data.

Note: Viz Libero configures the necessary datasets upon installation and creates the necessary output upon connection. Therefore, only the relevant provider access tokens need to be configured.