Pilot Data Server Administrator Guide
Version PDS-8.5 | Published October 23, 2020 ©
Database Parameters
You can access all database parameters from the Pilot Data Server’s VCP Parameters page (http://<hostname>:8177/app/DataServerConfig/DataServerConfig.html).
Caution: Settings should only be changed by administrators.
Viz Pilot Database Parameters
activex_preview_timeout: Sets the timeout in milliseconds waiting for the Viz Preview Engine connection before continuing. The default value is 10000. Can be overridden by the local registry setting PreviewTimeOut (see Registry Settings in Viz Pilot User Guide).
app_server: Sets the Pilot Data Server URI.
ax_add_dbdata_to_mosexternal: Adds extra information about the data in the element to the MOS item.
ax_add_itemchannel: Adds default channel to the generated MOS XML.
ax_dataelement_timer_enabled: Sets the default behavior for showing or hiding the Graphic Event Timing options in the newsroom component when Saving an Element. When enabled it shows the timing editor, and when disabled it hides the timing editor. This setting can be overridden by enabling the ShowGraphicEventTiming setting for the Template Information Component in Template Wizard on a template by template basis.
ax_disable_clear_layers: This setting disables the clearing of all layers as the first commands sent when sending to preview.
ax_disable_data_overwrite: When enabled, this setting disables the Save button in the newsroom component - only the Save As button is then active. This option also de-selects the Add to Library checkbox in the Template Save Dialog Box for all saved elements.
ax_disable_dragdrop: When enabled, this setting disables drag-and-drop in the newsroom component. This option is useful when using a newsroom system that does not facilitate drag-and-drop interaction with plugins.
ax_disable_media_drag: When enabled, this setting disables dragging of media from search results to the rundown. This option is de-selected by default - dragging of media from search results is allowed.
ax_disable_overlay_saving: When enabled, this setting disables saving of overlay timelines for clip assets that have an overlay_timeline link. When a clip is opened from the media tab there will not be any previously saved graphics on the timeline. Overlay saving is enabled by default.
ax_dont_fetch_thumbnails: When enabled, the newsroom component does not fetch thumbnails for the templates and data elements when they are in list view mode, only in show icons view.
ax_enable_refresh_button: When enabled, the refresh button in the ActiveX external preview form is shown. The preview will be refreshed without resending the data to the preview server.
ax_enableMediaSendToRundown: When enabled, this setting enables the Add to Rundown option in the media search. This is only useful if the newsroom system does not support drag and drop operations.
ax_force_detached_pvw: This setting forces detached snapshot-preview window in Ax/VCP.
ax_hide_data_elements: This setting hides the data element list in the newsroom component.
ax_hide_media_tab: This setting hides the media tab in the newsroom component.
ax_include_mosobj_tag: This setting adds a mosobj node to the generated MOS XML. This is required for some (Dalet) newsroom integrations.
ax_mos_edit_save_returns: ActiveX checks this parameter to determine if it should return to the template list after saving (when editing).
ax_preview_host: Hostname of the Viz Engine used to generate snapshot-preview images and fetch icons from Viz resources (images/geoms/materials etc.). It's also used as the fallback vizhost for the ThumbnailGenerator.
ax_preview_img_protocol: Request snapshots in different image formats.
ax_preview_port: Port of the Viz Engine used to generate snapshot-preview images, and fetch icons of Viz resources (images/geoms/materials etc). It's also used as the fallback vizhost for the ThumbnailGenerator.
ax_ preview_tl_legacy_support: When enabled, the preview sends values to legacy transition logic location ($other$object) in addition to normal behavior.
ax_preview_tl_show_next_sub: The \Toggle*continue_noanim command is used when previewing transition logic.
ax_remove_continue_count: This setting disables the sending of continueCount in mosExternalMetadata.
ax_remove_objSlug: This setting removes objSlug from the generated MOS XML. This is needed when the newsroom component is hosted in AvidCommand.
ax_required_version: The required version of the Vizrt newsroom component for the ActiveX to work. If the newsroom component version is earlier than this, a warning is displayed.
ax_savesas_cancels_edit : Default behavior is: when editing an item already in a script, then clicking Save As New, the item in the script is replaced by the new item. Enabling this setting still creates a new graphic but does not replace the original item in the script.
ax_show_hints: Disable this setting to turn off all tooltips in the ActiveX. Tooltips may cause the Dalet newsroom system to crash.
ax_showsavechanges_dlg: This setting asks users if they want to save the currently open data element or template when opening a new one.
ax_use_custom_gui_dlg: This setting embeds Viz Curious Maps Editor (CME) inside the same window as the newsroom component (and is used for this only).
clip_default_itemchannel: If a value is set, the value is used as the default channel for video clips. The value is used in the itemChannel element in the MOS XML and appears in the Viz Trio playlist and in the NCS. This parameter is empty by default. If a video or timeline element is reopened from the NCS rundown, the itemChannel chosen in the rundown is not reset to default again, even if the element is updated and overwritten.
compatible: Version number
country_language: Set the language to use for the country list. English is supported by default.
crop_service_uri: Sets the URL to the image crop service.
croptool_max_image_area: Sets the maximum area of a cropped image in pixels that will be served by the Pilot Data Server. Anything bigger is resized, while still respecting the aspect ratio of the crop. The maximum size applies even if no cropping is done. Image size = width x height in pixels. 0 = disabled.
data_server_url: Hosting URL of Vizrt Pilot Data Server (for example: http://exampleserver.com:8177) or the reverse proxy server pointing to Vizrt Pilot Data Server. May contain base path prefix at the end of the base URL (for example: http://exampleserver.com:8177/pds).
delete_data_from_activex: Enable this setting to allow users to delete data elements from the newsroom component.
DELETE_DATA_PASSWORD: Password protection for data element deletion in the Viz Pilot client. If the value is empty, the delete data elements dialog is not password protected.
disable_built_in_vos_search: This setting disables the built-in VOS search. This should be used to prevent duplicate hits when moving to the new RESTful VOS search.
image_order_uri_template: Placeholder URL template for image orders.
image_share: Specifies the path the image Crop Tool (for templates) uses when saving a cropped image (<UNC or Windows path>)
live_update_interval: Update service poll interval in seconds. If the Update at regular intervals while on air option is enabled for a template with an update script or external update service, the Media Sequencer invokes the update service repeatedly using the interval specified here. The minimum value is two seconds.
MediaSearch_itemPerPage: The value should correspond to Media Search Items per page.
model_uri_template: URL template for use with the Pilot App Server to get the model document for a template given by its database ID. It's used by the Maps Preview Server, as well as certain external systems. Do not change this value. .
mse_script_runner: This setting can be used to set a different script runner for the MSE. Normally not needed. The default value is blank.
order_mgt_uri_template: URL template used to invoke the order management form.
payload_uri_template: URL template for use with the Pilot App Server to get the payload document for a data element given by its database ID. It's used by the timeline editor in the newsroom ActiveX as well as certain external systems. Do not change this value.
preview_server_uri: Base URL to the Preview Server used when requesting preview images in the timeline editor (for example: http://exampleserver.com:54000 ). This value is read by the Pilot App Server and published in its service document.
schema_build: Minor build version of the database schema. Do not modify.
schema_version: Major version of the database schema. Do not modify.
script_runner_uri: The URL to the script runner that executes update scripts to data/payloads.
shared_curious_server: Sets the Viz World Server IP or hostname for maps. In a multi-server setup, use comma-separated IP/hostnames.
show_playlist_element_index: This setting shows a column in the VCP playlist that displays each item index in the list.
slim_mos_xml: This setting reduces the MOS XML by removing optional tags.
spellcheck_dict_filename: Sets the filename for the dictionary file (.dic) and affixation file (.aff) for the spell checker. This parameter is mandatory and is en_US by default. For example, if spellcheck_dict_filename is set to my-special-en_US, then the spell checker looks for the two files my-special-en_US.dic and my-special-en_US.aff. Several spell checking dictionaries are included in the Viz Pilot system installation. The dictionaries are installed in the default location: %ProgramFiles(x86)%\vizrt\Common\dicts. Other dictionaries can be downloaded from OpenOffice; however, these must be UTF-8 formatted. Contact your local Vizrt representative if you need to convert and use another dictionary for spell checking purposes.
spellcheck_dict_path: Sets the path to the dictionary files for the spell checker. By default, this parameter is empty, which means the default location is used (%ProgramFiles(x86)%\vizrt\Common\dicts). If the files are not located under the default location, use a full path, mapped drive or UNC path.
timeline_update_service: The service document URL for the Timeline Update Service.
vcp_schema_name: For example, PILOT.
video_mode: Video mode for channel. PAL or NTSC.
VOS_PASSWORD: Shows the encrypted version of the VOS password. As this setting contains the encrypted version, it should not be set here, but rather be set using the VOS change password dialog. Setting this to blank disables password protection for VOS settings.
vtw_disable_unique_name_check: Used if you need to save different templates in different concepts with the same name - if you are not using the Template Manager to link several scenes to the same template, but are instead creating several templates. This could be due to incompatible scene structure or similar.
vos_allow_edit_from_dll (optional): Enables or disables the toolbar in Object Store. When disabled, it prohibits registering and editing of images and person information when Object Store is used with Viz Pilot News and Template Wizard. This option can be added to the database. Values are Y for allowing edits and N for prohibiting edits.