Pilot Data Server Administrator Guide
Version PDS-8.5 | Published October 23, 2020 ©
This section covers:
Pilot Data Server Requirements
Pilot Data Server
The Pilot Data Server is installed as an application layer on top of the Viz Pilot database. It acts as an application server for accessing the Viz Pilot database and other services. The Pilot Data Server can be used to handle requests from scripts to provide information on data elements, or to provide Preview Servers the information needed to resolve which scene and data is to be rendered by the Preview Server.
The Script Runner Service comes packaged with the Pilot Data Server.
Thumbnail Generator is an optional component that can be selected during the Pilot Data Server installation.
Script Runner Service
The Script Runner Service provides a simple way for users to use Update Service without needing to create their own service. See Update Script Editor in the Viz Pilot User Guide.
Thumbnail Generator
Thumbnail Generator is a Windows service that automatically generates thumbnails of data elements when they are created or changed. The thumbnails are stored in the Viz Pilot database. Thumbnail Generator requires a Preview Server, which is used to serve the thumbnails in the data element feed.
Pilot Data Server Specifications
Component |
Requirement |
Software |
Pilot Data Server |
Services |
Vizrt Pilot Data Server Vizrt Script Runner Vizrt Thumbnail Generator |
Operating System |
See the Viz Pilot Release Notes |
Installation Prerequisites
Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013
Make sure the package is installed on the same server on which the Pilot Data Server will be installed.
Note: If this package is not installed, some software such as Director and Media Sequence may encounter an HTTP 500 issue when connecting to the Pilot Data Server.
The package can be downloaded from the following link: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40784
Installing the Pilot Data Server
Click the Data Server installer file (*.msi) to start the Data Server Setup Wizard.
In the Welcome panel, click Next.
In the Destination Folder panel, define the location of the Data Server program files, then click Next.
Note: The default location is %ProgramFiles%\Vizrt\Pilot Data Server\.
In the Setup Database Connection panel, define the following settings:
Connect string: Connection string (<host name>/<service name>) to the Viz Pilot database.
Note: When installing the Data Server on a new system, the default database configuration setting points to localhost/vizrtdb.
Username: Viz Pilot database username.
Password: Viz Pilot database password.
Note: This allows you to edit all database settings for all clients connected to the same database.
Click Next.
In the Ready to install panel, click Install.
In the Completed Setup Wizard panel, click Finish.
Silent Installation
Using silent installation the Data Server can be installed without using the installer GUI.
In a command shell, run the following command:
msiexec /i VizrtPilotDataServer-x64-x.x.x.x-Release.msi /quiet
Installing the Thumbnail Generator
The Thumbnail Generator (see the Viz Pilot User Guide) can be installed as an optional component during the Pilot Data Server installation. The option for Thumbnail Generator installation is disabled by default. To install it, select the Thumbnail Generator manually when installing the Pilot Data Server.
Silent Installation
Since the Thumbnail Generator is not installed by default, the INSATLLLEVEL =2 needs to be added to the command string for the Thumbnail Generator to be included during a silent Data Server installation:
msiexec /i VizrtPilotDataServer-x64-x.x.x.x-Release.msi INSTALLLEVEL=
To upgrade an existing Data Server to include the Thumbnail Generator without uninstalling it, the following command needs to be run:
msiexec /i VizrtPilotDataServer-x64-x.x.x.x-Release.msi ADDLOCAL=ThumbnailGeneratorService /quiet
If Crop Service Installation is required (see the relevant section in the Installation chapter in the Viz Pilot User Guide), it must be installed separately, after the Pilot Data Server.
If support for multiple Viz Pilot database schemas is required, separate Data Servers must be installed on separate machines.
Firewall Exceptions
For the Pilot Data Server to be accessible from other machines, Windows firewall exceptions are required.
The Pilot Data Server adds the following inbound rules to the Windows firewall during installation: allow connections on port 8177, 7373, and 9876. These are removed when the Pilot Data Server is uninstalled.