Pilot Data Server Administrator Guide
Version PDS-8.5 | Published October 23, 2020 ©
Comparing RestVOS and Conventional VOS Access
The fundamental difference is in the protocol used to search for images and deliver the results to the client.
When accessing an Object Store in the conventional Viz Object Store (VOS) way, the client application goes directly to the database and the network share in order to get the data.
When using RestVOS, the client accesses the same images and storage, but via the Pilot Data Server. This uses the HTTP protocol, the same protocol used when talking to Viz One systems.
From the point of view of client applications, accessing RestVOS is no different from accessing a Viz One or any other asset search provider.
The existing Object Store (see the Object Store section in the Viz Pilot User Guide) application is used to manage the images and storage, whether using standard VOS or RestVOS.
Advantages of RestVOS
Flexibility: HTTP is an easier protocol to use and manage. By using the Pilot Data Server and the OpenSearch protocol, other applications can also perform the same searches, and there is no need to make the network share available on all clients.
Extended features: Certain features such as Crop Service and Filter Media by Person Name (see the Viz Pilot User Guide), are only available when using RestVOS.
Future oriented: As development on RestVOS continues, features such as load balancing and failover capabilities will be added, which will benefit image transfers. Once direct database access from Viz Pilot News is no longer required, management of Oracle clients will not be needed. Conventional access to VOS will be phased out at some stage.