Viz Trio User Guide

Version 4.2 | Published April 02, 2024 ©


Welcome to the Viz Trio User Guide.

What is Viz Trio?

Viz Trio contains all the features of a typical CG (Character Generator) system and more. Viz Engine is the graphics rendering output system and Media Sequencer controls the playout of media elements.

With Viz Trio you can:

  • Trigger graphical elements stored as pages in a show structure, with each page utilizing a unique call-up code.

  • Fill in data fields for graphics.

  • Quickly import or reimport new graphics into a show, no need for a template redesign, everything happens automatically.

  • Use Viz Trio as a clip player with a timeline editor.

  • Customize the Viz Trio interface through scripting and macro commands.

  • Use Viz Trio as a graphics playout server, integrating from a third party system through macro commands over TCP/IP.

  • Let data update live through Datacenter without any scripting or advanced design.

Advanced features let you connect to multiple newsroom systems, do seamless context switches on graphics (Transition Logic), use specialized editors that can change almost any property of a graphic, produce on-the-fly graphics with a built-in design tool, and more.

Note: The Viz Trio client can run on any computer that has a network connection to Media Sequencer. For the local preview to function properly, the computer must have a good Nvidia GPU.

System Overview - Basic Setup


Info: The system overview above shows a basic setup. Viz Engine is typically used for local preview.

  • The Viz Trio operator creates pages, most often from pre-made templates. A page is an instance of a template that can be customized with data values, like sports results or election data.

  • When the page is ready, the Viz Trio operator can easily send pages with the necessary information to air.

  • Viz Trio automatically uses Media Sequencer to trigger final rendering of the output by the Viz Engine.

Note: Although Viz Trio, Media Sequencer and Viz Engine can be installed and operated on a single machine, they are mostly installed on separate servers for performance and security reasons.

  • Viz Trio can also interface with other systems for news feed and media resources, for instance MAM systems such as Viz One for video and media resources and Viz Pilot.

  • Social Media feeds and news can be interfaced and ingested in the workflow with the Viz Social solution.

System Overview - Advanced Setup

  • An advanced setup with newsroom and video integration involves several other Vizrt products such as a Vizrt MAM system, Viz Pilot, Viz Gateway and third-party systems such as a newsroom and database system.

  • Viz Gateway can be used to connect Viz Trio to most Newsroom systems using the MOS protocol.

Note: Director from Viz Pilot can also be used as the control application.

Related Documents

  • Viz Artist User Guide: How to create standalone and transition logic scenes.

  • Viz Pilot User Guide: How to create a playlist in Viz Pilot that can be monitored in Viz Trio, and use the Newsroom Component to create newsroom data elements for a newsroom system playlist.

  • Viz Engine Administrator Guide: How to configure your Viz Engines.

  • Viz One Administrator Guide: How to configure your Viz One system.

  • Viz One - Studio User Guide: How to work with your Viz One system.


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