Pilot Data Server Administrator Guide

Version PDS-9.1 | Published June 26, 2024 ©


This section covers the following topics:


The Pilot Data Server Launcher is a minimal dashboard for starting and stopping services, and also offers a UI to change configuration.


The Pilot Data Server Launcher works partly as a minimal dashboard to start and stop services, but most importantly as an UI to configure different aspects of the system.

These are the main functions:

  • Currently activated licenses: This list contains the currently activated licenses on the license server/container.

  • Refresh licenses: Reconnects to the license system and does another attempt to fetch the current licenses.

  • Settings: Opens the settings page.

  • CodeMeter WebAdmin: Open Wibu license administration in a browser. Requires the Codemeter service to run.

  • Start/Stop Pilot Data Server: Starting and stopping the Vizrt Pilot Data Server service on the computer.

  • Start/Stop Script Runner: Starting and stopping the Vizrt Pilot Script Runner service on the computer.

  • Start/Stop Crop Server: Starting and stopping the Vizrt Crop Server service on the computer.

  • Launch Pilot Data Server on startup: Guarantees the Pilot Data Service and additional services (Crop Server, Script Runner and Thumbnail Generator) are started when the computer is started.

  • Open Licensing Documentation: Opens the local documentation for configuring the licenses for Pilot Data Server.

  • Open logs folder: Opens the logs and ini file folder, normally %ProgramData%\Vizrt\Pilot Data Server.

  • Open Web Interface: Opens the web page of the currently running Pilot Data Server.

Note: The Codemeter.exe service of the Wibu Licensing system, must be running in order to start Pilot Data Server.