Pilot Data Server Administrator Guide

Version PDS-9.1 | Published June 26, 2024 ©


Pilot Data Server is installed as an application layer on top of the Viz Pilot database, and acts as an application server for accessing Viz Pilot’s database and other services, and enables the use of features including Crop Service, Template Tagging, Update Service, Person Search, search on Viz One, Thumbnail Generator and Timeline Editor in Viz Pilot workflows.

It has a web interface with a REST API, accessible for 3rd party integrations. Pilot Data Server is required when using Graphic Hub as the Viz Pilot database, and for integrating with Viz Story, Viz Pilot Edge and Template Builder.

The full Pilot Data Server system contains the following parts:




Pilot Data Server Launcher


Vizrt Pilot Data Server

Vizrt Script Runner

Vizrt Crop Service

Vizrt Thumbnail Generator

Pilot Data Server Launcher

The Pilot Data Server Launcher is a separate application that can be used to configure, start and stop the Pilot Data Server service.

Pilot Data Server Service

The Pilot Data Server service is the main module of this system. It provides a REST API for web applications to access the Pilot database, and it has a changelog event mechanism for broadcasting changes to templates, elements and concepts inside the database.

Script Runner Service

The Script Runner Service comes packaged with Pilot Data Server and is automatically installed. It can be configured, started and stopped with the Pilot Data Server Launcher. The Script Runner Service provides a simple way for users to use the Media Sequencer's Live Update mechanism without needing to create a custom service. The Script Runner acts as an External Update Service for Media Sequencer. See Update Script Editor in the Viz Pilot User Guide.

Crop Service

The Crop Service provides a way to crop images. The Crop Service is provided in a separate installer. It can be installed and run on the same physical host as Pilot Data Server. If installed on the same host, it can be configured, started and stopped through the Pilot Data Server Launcher.

Thumbnail Generator

Thumbnail Generator is a Windows service that automatically generates thumbnails of data elements when they are created or changed. The thumbnails are stored in the Viz Pilot database. Thumbnail Generator requires a Preview Server, which is used to serve the thumbnails in the data element feed.

Related Documents

The Viz Pilot User Guide provides complete documentation of the Viz Pilot system. For more information and documentation for all Vizrt products, please visit:


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