Viz Artist User Guide
Version 3.14 | Published October 30, 2020 ©
Control Datapool
Control Datapool is used with the DataPool plug-in repository, available separately. The plug-in is used to bind a tab field value to a DataPool plug-in variable. Any DataPool plug-in used in a scene must have its variable listed in the DataPool scene plug-in. Control Datapool links a tab-field to these variables.
For more information about the DataPool plug-ins, refer to the DataPool documentation.
Note: This plug-in is located in: Built Ins -> Container plug-ins -> Control
Control Datapool Properties
DataPool Variable: The DataPool variable can be controlled by the user.
Input Value: Shows the current input value.
Control Type: Specifies if the tab-field value should be controlled through a DataPool variable or a field name.
Variable Type: Allows the user to define the kind of data the referenced variable is linked to. The type selected here decides what kind of editor is opened in a Viz Trio client.
See Also