Viz Artist User Guide
Version 3.14 | Published October 30, 2020 ©
An Icosahedron is a Platonic solid composed of twenty faces that span twelve vertices, each face of which is an equilateral triangle. An icosahedron can be considered a rough approximation for a sphere.
Note: This plug-in is located in: Built Ins -> Geom plug-ins -> Default
Icosahedron Properties
Use LOD: Enables/disables dynamic level of detail.
Smooth: Enables smoothing of edges.
Depth: Sets the number of planes at the icosahedron. The more planes you set the more it looks like a sphere.
Tesselation: Allows you to choose level of detail setting between Low, Middle and High.
To Create an Icosahedron
Create a new group and add the Icosahedron plug-in to it.
Add a material and/or a texture to the group.
Open the Icosahedron editor and disable the Smooth option, set Depth to 3 and Tesselation to Middle.