Viz Artist User Guide
Version 3.14 | Published October 30, 2020 ©
The Jack plug-in shows a digital clock and date. The plug-in is highly customizable allowing you to set your own time and date formats and correction values.
Note: This plug-in is located in: Built Ins -> Container plug-ins -> Tools
Jack Properties
Time mode has the following properties:
Hour format: Sets how to show hours (either off, on or with a leading zero if the value is less than ten).
Min format: Sets how to show minutes (see Hour format).
Sec format: Sets how to show seconds (see Hour format).
Hour/Min separator: Sets character separation for hours and minutes.
Blink mode: Blinks the separator between hours and minutes when set to On. This means every odd second it turns off.
Min/Sec separator: Sets a separator for minutes and seconds.
Note: Although a format is switched off, the separator is still shown.
am/pm or 24 hours: Switches between the am/pm and 24 hour format.
Time/meridian separator: Sets a separator for the am/pm hour format.
am/pm format: Sets the case of am/pm to upper or lower.
Hour correction: Enables you to correct the hour value of the system time. Useful to show the local time of a location in a different time zone.
Min correction: Sets correction value for minutes (see Hour correction).
Sec correction: Sets correction value for seconds (see Hour correction).
Date mode has the following properties:
Year format: Sets how to show the year format (off, two digits or four digits, please keep in mind that in the year 10000 this is three digits or five digits, due to the algorithm used).
Month format: Sets how the month is shown, either off, on or with a leading zero from January to September.
Day format: Sets how the day is shown (see Month format).
First separator: Sets the separator character for the first two items of the date. If the dot value is selected, an additional blank character is inserted automatically.
Second separator: Sets the separator character for the last two items of the date.
Order: Sets the order of the items of the date.
Year correction: Sets a correction value for the year.
Month correction: Sets a correction value for the month.
Day correction: Sets a correction value for the day.