Viz Artist User Guide
Version 3.14 | Published October 30, 2020 ©
Control Key Frame
The Control Key Frame plug-in can be used to give the user control over the value of a “single value Key Frame” unlike position values for instance where all three axes must be specified. Create an animation, for instance an alpha animation, and give the Key Frame to control a name. Put the Control Key Frame plug-in on the object’s container and set the parameters.
Note: This plug-in is located in: Built Ins -> Container plug-ins -> Control
Control Key Frame Properties
Expose Time: Enables the user to adjust the Key Frame along the time-line.
Control Parent: When enabled, this option allows for two Control Key Frame plug-ins to be within one container.
Note: In this case the control Key Frame plug-ins must be added as Sub-Containers of the container.
Minimum Input: Sets the minimum allowed input value.
Maximum Input: Sets the maximum allowed input value.
Minimum Value: Sets the minimum value, which is set relative to the minimum input value.
Maximum Value: Sets the maximum value, which is set relative to the maximum input value.
Input Value: Shows the current input value. Enter a value to test the relation of max/min. input and scale values.
Key Frame Time: Sets the time value of the Key Frame.
Key Frame: Sets the name of the Key Frame that is to receive a value by the control client user.
Input Value Example
Example for the input values: If the Key Frame is an alpha Key Frame which in Viz Artist can be float values from 0 to 100, and the following values are set:
Minimum input = 1.
Maximum input = 10.
Minimum value = 10.
Maximum value = 90.
This means that if the user gives the following input:
1, which is the lowest input value allowed, the alpha value in Viz Artist is set to 10.
4, which is somewhere in between, the relative alpha value is 36,666... .
10, which is the highest value allowed, the alpha value is set to 90.
See Also