Viz Mosart User Guide

Version 4.1 | Published July 09, 2021 ©

Adding Stories to the Rundown


By right clicking in the info area and selecting Edit → Insert story, a new story is added underneath the clicked story.

Content can then be dragged into the new story from the Assets and Favorites tab, or inserted using the QuickEditor.

When selecting Edit → Append items to current story, you have to click on the story with the items you want to append. All items (templates) in the clicked story will then be appended to the current on air story.

Additionally, you can also remove a story, add new items into a story, change the selected story as well as removing templates from a story.

Note: If story is locked with Lock Story from NCS Update, a reload of the rundown deletes the new story. Only Lock Rundown (from menu 'Rundowns') prevents deletion of the new story when reloading.