Viz Multiplay User Guide

Version 2.6 | Published September 20, 2019 ©

Installing Viz Multiplay

Installation Prerequisites

Viz Multiplay is a web page hosted on a Media Sequencer, so a Media Sequencer must be installed on the computer hosting Viz Multiplay.

Required reading

A successful installation hinges almost entirely on a comprehensive understanding of the Video Wall Configuration section in the Viz Engine manual.

Therefore, it is extremely important to review this section to ensure that your video wall setup is working properly before considering the other required components in this list.

Required and optional components/products

See release notes for a list of products and components, and their recommended version numbers.

Viz Multiplay Installer


A Viz Multiplay licensed Media Sequencer dongle is required on the server machine. See Licensing.

  1. On the Media Sequencer machine, run the Viz Multiplay installer file VizMultiplay-[version].exe
    This will install the core files for Viz Multiplay, including documentation, and will add shortcuts to the desktop and Start menu which point to the application’s URL.
    The default installation location is: <MEDIA_SEQUENCER>\www\app\vizmultiplay
    e.g. %ProgramFiles%\Vizrt\Media Sequencer\www\app\vizmultiplay
    The default location is recommended, but can be configured if required.


    Media Sequencer must be running before starting the Viz Multiplay installation. The Media Sequencer acts as a web server, serving out the Viz Multiplay web application.


Viz Multiplay requires a Viz Multiplay-licensed Media Sequencer dongle on the server machine. If a valid license is not present, a warning message appears when the Viz Multiplay client is started, and every 20 minutes thereafter.