Viz Multiplay User Guide

Version 2.6 | Published September 20, 2019 ©


Viz Multiplay gives broadcasters a powerful tool for controlling studio screen content. The simple interface can be used in the control room or by the presenter in the studio.

The main features of Viz Multiplay are:

  • Send content quickly to multiple screens,

  • Dynamic control from a single interface,

  • Controls live, video, graphics and still content.


Document Structure

This User Guide includes both information on the technical aspects of installation and maintenance, as well as instructions for end users.

  • Viz Multiplay provides an overview of the features of Viz Multiplay and the various workflows that it supports.

  • Setup describes how to install and run Viz Multiplay, and how to set it up to work with other applications, such as Viz Trio and newsroom control systems.

  • Using Viz Multiplay describes how to use the Viz Multiplay application on your desktop or tablet device.

  • Tools describes the set of editors within Viz Multiplay that are used during setup of video walls and studios.

  • Workflows explains how to setup and use Viz Multiplay in step-by-step instructions.

  • Troubleshooting and Common Issues lists tips for troubleshooting Viz Multiplay.

Related Documents

For more information about all of the Vizrt products, visit:

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