Viz Pilot Edge User Guide

Version 3.0 | Published January 26, 2024 ©


Viz Pilot Edge is a newsroom component that is used to create, manage and deliver content to live and taped broadcast productions. Viz Pilot Edge can also be used as a Graphics Plugin user interface in NLE workflows.

Template Builder lets you make customized templates using the scene import or existing templates from Viz Pilot's Template Wizard.

Info: A key feature is that you can add custom HTML panels to templates, giving full control over the template through custom scripting and logic.

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Key Features

  • Search for graphics templates, elements and media assets.

  • Add and edit content using an auto-generated Fill In Form.

  • Preview graphics.

  • Open and edit videos.

  • Save data elements to the database.


  • Fill templates with content and store them as data elements.

  • Move data elements into the newsroom rundown.

  • Scenes are made in Viz Artist and imported into Template Builder, where templates are made.

  • Templates are edited and new templates can be made in Template Builder.

  • The template is saved in the Viz Pilot system and is available to newsroom and control room systems for playout.

Note: Changes in the UI made to a template in Template Builder are not available when opening the template in Template Wizard.

Related Documents

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