Viz Social User Guide

Version 1.1 | Published January 26, 2022 ©


The Competition Format allows Viz Social users to collect answers to a publicly announced question, to select the users that responded with the correct answer and among these, to draw one or multiple random winners (in a reliable and legally sound way).

Like other Formats, the Competition is based on an incoming stream that can either be a Search or a Group of Searches. Competition destinations are similar to Carousel destinations and Viz Social uses the destinations to publish the winning posts. The Competition's most important parameters are:

  • A list of correct answers. The text of the incoming posts is scanned for presence of these words or phrases. Posts that do not contain either of them are not eligible. When left empty no scanning is done and everyone participates.

  • A list of false answers. The text of the incoming posts is scanned for the absence of these words or phrases. Posts that contain at least one of them are not eligible. When left empty no scanning is done and everyone participates. Please note that the false list has priority over the correct list, so if someone mentions a correct and a false answer, the user is considered not eligible.

  • The maximum number of entries per users (irrespective whether they are false or correct).

  • The number of winners per draw.
